
My Thirteenth Lesson with Ms. Noor Azura

Date : 30th August 2009 (Sunday)

Time : 11.00am-12.30pm

Place : DKG 3/9, UUM

I am absent from this class. This is the very first time I skip class and go back to Penang. No choice, my friend get marry. I need to attend. Anyway, it’s a meaningful journey because I get the opportunity to meet with my dearest brother and sister in church.

Brother Jia Yang and Sister Chia Li, may God Father blesses your marriage with blossom of grace and happiness.

And, I would like to say sorry to my lecturer that I skip the class. This post is to memorize my experience. Nothing more than this.

2 条评论:

  1. it's ok.. well u being given the opportunity to skip classes for six time.. so grab one!

  2. thanks for understand our situation. but I know it is not good to skiip class for somany times even though i am given the chance. i pay to learn here, not to enjoy here. haha...



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