
My Sixth Lesson with Ms. Noor Azura

Date : 26th July 2009 (Sunday)

Time : 11.00am-12.30pm

Place : DKG 3/9, UUM

Today is a memorable day for me.

I have submitted my first assignment of this semester. It’s a summarize journal. I’m ashamed of my identity as a senior. I don’t know that APA citation only need single spacing. This means that I have mistaken this error for two semesters already, yet I am not reminded of this mistake by any lecturer formerly. Anyway, thanks to my lecturer, Ms. Azura.

Seems that this is a start, I should keep up with my passion in order to finish all my tasks assigned by lecturers. Let’s accomplish it together, my dear friends.




2017 年 6 月 2 日 我以为 拉开窗帘会看到阳光 打开手机会收到奇迹 翻开日记会读到回忆 我以为 音乐调大一点 就可以赶走寂寞 我以为 空调开大一点 就可以冻结记忆 我以为 眼睛睁大一点 ...