
My Eleventh Lesson with Ms. Noor Azura

Date : 23rd August 2009 (Sunday)

Time : 11.00am-12.30pm

Place : DKG 3/9, UUM

After a short semester break, we back to our class. Fortunately, Ms. Azura presents herself in our class today. This shows that she has recovered.

Browsing internet is fun, but learning the technical terminologies such as http, domain name, path and etc. is really torturing for, especially in this rainy morning. How I hope that I can stay in my bed.

Anyway, I do learn something new. I always face difficulties in searching information for my assignments. Most of the time, I get a lot of “rubbish information” and waste my time sitting in front of the computer to search for nothing. I share with you again. Hopefully, you can gain the same knowledge with me. When we want to search for two related terms at the same time, for instance a and b, what we need to type is “a and b” or simply “a+b”. When we can exclude b from a, we just type “a-b”. When a and b come to a situation where by there are optional, that is either one of them will do, then we just type “a/b”. Hope that these useful tips can help in your future search of information.

The class ends quite fast today. So I have enough time to write down them while they are still fresh in my mind. It’s rainy day, yet I need to attend three more classes before I can back to my room. Gambate to me, and my friends as well.




2017 年 6 月 2 日 我以为 拉开窗帘会看到阳光 打开手机会收到奇迹 翻开日记会读到回忆 我以为 音乐调大一点 就可以赶走寂寞 我以为 空调开大一点 就可以冻结记忆 我以为 眼睛睁大一点 ...