
My Tenth Lesson with Ms. Noor Azura

Date : 12th August 2009 (Wednesday)

Time : 11.00am-12.30pm

Place : DKG 3/9, UUM

Alert, I get heart attack today.

I have been rushing for my 30paged-assignment of Intercultural Communication by burning midnight oil. Luckily I still have reserve half hour to “prepare” myself to sit the pop quiz that has been promoted by Ms. Azura so far.

It is so easy until I don’t know how to answer. I have memorized the inventors of the technology devices; however, I omitted television. How sad I am.

Heard that Ms. Azura falls sick, I hope that she can recover soon and the best, give us bonus marks for not skipping the test.




2017 年 6 月 2 日 我以为 拉开窗帘会看到阳光 打开手机会收到奇迹 翻开日记会读到回忆 我以为 音乐调大一点 就可以赶走寂寞 我以为 空调开大一点 就可以冻结记忆 我以为 眼睛睁大一点 ...