
My Nineteenth Lesson with Ms. Noor Azura

Date : 30th September 2009 (Wednesday)

Time : 11.00am-12.30pm

Place : DKG 3/9, UUM

The time is not waiting for anyone. Today is not the last lesson, but it is the last time English articles will appear on my blog. When Ms. Azura announced that today is the last day to post our learning in blog, I feel a bit melancholy. I know that soon I’m going to face the end of this semester.

The forth semester is waiting for me. I’m so confused and undetermined. I don’t know which minor field I should choose. I can’t make wrong decision.

Well, I think it’s enough sighing here. Let’s back to the lesson today. Digitalization is the main topic today. And, we are asked to share the ten most frequently used short forms in our SMS.

btw stands for by the way

asap stands for as soon as possible

dun1 stands for don’t want

b4 stands for before

mov stands for movie

nvm stands for never mind

rmb stands for remember

duno stands for don’t know

otw stands for on the way

oic stands for Oh, I see!

Well, they may sound weird. But these are the short forms I like to use. Just to share with my friends.

In addition, lecturer also reminds us regarding the blog check list and evaluation form of our group members. Quiz is coming soon.

Ultimately, I would like to apologize to lecturer if there is any misbehave during the lesson. And, thanks for boosting my interest in this paper. I quite enjoy the lesson. It’s true. I used to have “technology phobia” before, haha…

Gambate to my friends. And, it’s nice to meet you all. I will try my best to do this paper well. This is my promise to myself.

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